
VIP PREDLOG: 16:00 Leyton – Oldham 1 1,75 3:0 WIN
NGLESKA: League Two – 7. kolo

Oldham trenutno prolazi kroz veliki haos da se tako izrazim..

Problemi su i na terenu i van njega..

Proslo kolo u porazu kuci 0:3 od Barrowa bila je invazija navijaca na teren koji protestvuju i protiv uprave a i suspendovane su sve sezonske karte za navijace Oldhama..

Povodom toga trener domacina Curle je izjavio;

**“It’s difficult, but you’ve got to be able to use the negativity and turn it into a positive and be energised by it.

“That’s what we are trying to instil this week.

“I need the players to maintain the focus, keep believing in what we are doing, keep believing in the process and not go into a shell.”**

**“At the minute we are in a very difficult situation on the pitch and off the pitch – players, supporters, ownership – but we will get through it. I guarantee you we will get through it,” said the head coach, who revealed he had an open-door policy for any players who wished to discuss the ongoing club situation.**

A sad o kadrovskim problemima..

Cak 9 igraca nema na raspolaganju. Sedmorica su povredjena, 1 ne igra zbog reprezentacije (Dylan Bahamboula igra za Congo) a 1 je dodan na listu povreda u zadnjem mecu u kojem se desila invazija navijaca.

**“We had seven players out injured, one away on international duty and one injured at half-time. You take nine players out of any team at this level and they are going to struggle,” he continued.**

Leyton igra jako dobro, samo 1 poraz, dvije pobjede i 3 remija za sad.
Oldham samo jedna pobjeda i cak 5 poraza i tesko je ocekivati da se vade na ovom gostovanju.
Prosle sezone u oba duela slavio je Leyton..
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