
Kovačević Nemanja
10 sati
VIP NBA PREDLOG: 02:30 Oklahoma – Boston
Broj koševa Boston/J.Tatum (13.5) Manje 1,80 WIN
Mladi igrač Bostona mogao bi veceras u under. Najveci razlog tome je povratak Morrisa koji ce smanjiti minute Tatumu a moguce i Baynesu.
”Marcus Morris (knee) is listed as probable for Friday’s game vs. OKC.
Jayson Tatum will likely remain in the starting lineup on Friday, as he has started each of the C’s first eight games and has played very well as part of the Celtics first five. However, it will be interesting to see if Boston chooses to bring Morris off the bench permanently. Either way, Morris’ return will reduce the minutes available for Tatum”
Morris ce igrati 20 minuta (ogranicen minutama jer se tek vratio).
Jayson Tatum u zadnjih 10 meceva je na prosjeku od 13,2 poena po mecu za 32. minute u prosjeku koliko je igrao. Veceras ce ta minutaza po mom misljenju biti oko 25 minuta i za to vrijeme protiv Adamas, Georga i Anthonija ne vidim ga preko 12.

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