
Kovačević Nemanja
19 hrs
VIP NBA PREDLOG: 21:00 Cleveland – Atlanta
Broj koševa Cleveland/D.Rose (16.5)
Manje 1,85 10 WIN
Rizican predlog jeste ali blizi je underu veceras nego overu. Prema izjavama iz tabora Cavsa Rose ce citavu sezonu imati restrikciju minuta, najvise ce igrati 30 minuta bez obzira s kim igrali i kakav rezultat bio. Prosli mec za 28 minuta utrpao je Washingtonu 20 poena ali prije svega jer je Love podbacio i doprinjeo sa samo 11 poena. Ovo bi trebao biti jedan lagan zadatak za cavse pa prizeljkujem i blowout kako bi Rose mozda igrao manje i od navedene minutaze.
According to Dave McMenamin of ESPN, Derrick Rose will have a strict 28-to-31-minute restriction all season no matter how well he plays.
“Let me say, for one, I’m just happy to be a part of this team, part of something that I think is special,” Rose said. “A minute restriction, there’s nothing I can do about that. But with me having all these injuries in my past, I’m kind of used to it.”
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