
Kovačević Nemanja
22 hrs
VIP NBA PREDLOG: 02:30 Boston – Cleveland
Broj koševa Cleveland/Jeff Green (9.5) VIŠE 1,85 19 WIN
Cleveland u teskoj situaciji ali nikad ih ne treba otpisati. Ostali su bez Kevin Lovea koji je dozivio manji potres mozga u proslom mecu i to na samom pocetku ali i bez njega cavsi su uspjeli dobiti mec 109:99. James 46 poena, Hill 20 i upravo igrac koji se mora i veceras u over uzeti, Green 14 poena. Veceras Green upada u prvu petorku umjesto Lovea i ocekuje ga debela minutaza a za to vrijeme bi morao biti dvocifren kao i prosli mec.

**Jeff Green will start Game 7 against the Celtics on Sunday.**

He’ll replace Kevin Love and start his first game since Game 1 of the first round against Indiana. Green logged 31 minutes in Game 6, his most of the playoffs. He had 14 points, but he’ll probably have to score at least that much if the Cavs want to advance to the NBA Finals for a fourth straight year.**

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